A devastating midnight fire claimed the lives of a 24-year-old woman, Jumai Sunday, and her infant son, Nasir Rabiu, in Abuja. The tragic incident, which occurred in the early hours of Wednesday, January 8, 2025, has left the community in shock. Jumai was originally from the Eggon Local Government Area in Nasarawa State.
The fire broke out in a house situated at Kugbo Furniture Market, located within the Municipal Area Council (AMAC) of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). According to eyewitnesses at the scene, the blaze occurred while Jumai and her young son were sound asleep, unaware of the danger that was about to unfold.
As the fire raged, neighbors and sympathizers rushed to the scene, and after the firefighters had successfully managed to bring the flames under control, the bodies of the deceased were discovered. Tragically, the woman and her son were found burnt beyond recognition. Efforts to rearrange the property and assess the damage revealed the horrifying extent of the tragedy. The loss of life has sent ripples of grief through the local community, and many have expressed their sorrow over the untimely deaths of Jumai and her infant son.
Authorities are investigating the cause of the fire, but for now, the heartbreaking loss has left family, friends, and residents of the area in mourning.